Development Overview


Development Toolchain

Source repository for sysopt is hosted by github. Make sure you have the appropriate level of access to the repo, or make a fork.

You will need python3 and git.

A virtual environment ( is recommended for development.

Install From Source

To install sysopt from source fork or clone the repository at (, navigate to the root directory (sysopt/) and install an editable copy using pip:

$ pip install -e .

Install Development Dependencies

Additional dependencies for development, testing and documentation are listed in ‘test-requirements.txt’. Install these using pip:

$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

This installs pytest, flake8, pylint, sphinx and supporting libraries.

Development Workflow


Sysopt is currently using a topic branch workflow ( Generally speaking, this means the development process follows:

  1. Identify a new feature, or a bug to be fixed.

  2. Create a new branch from the most up-to-date version of main.

  3. Check out the branch on a local machine, implement the feature along with appropriate tests and documentation.

  4. Commit changes and push the local branch to the remote repo

  5. Open a pull request to merge the new feature into main.

  6. Resolve any merge conflicts, test failures and linting issues.

  7. Respond to any review comments.

  8. Delete the branch once it’s been accepted.

Style Guide

Development convention should follow google’s style guide ( ). Use pylint (install the with test requirements) to identify style errors, and follow the principal of ‘always leave the codebase a little better off than you found it’.


Use pytest ( for automated testing, which is install alongside via test-requirements.txt. Write the tests in the tests/ folder, following the naming convention. It’s recommended not to do plotting in the test functions, as the tests will most often be run headless within the continuous integration (CI) framework.

Automated testing

Use github actions ( ) for automated testing and deployment. It should ‘just work’ as is.